Sunday, December 19, 2010

Xmas in Japan! 4 Munich Xmas in Sapporo!

German Xmas in Sapporo!? I just keep running into German culture wherever I go it seems! (A sign that I have to learn German :P)

Down in the heart of Sapporo Koen (Sapporo Park), there's a German
market going. This is suppose to go on till the 25th. There's a lot of food stands and decoration stands. The decoration aren't all German though (lots of Russian, which makes sense since Hokkaido is very close to Russia).

I got me some currywurst with potato salad and pretzel. Wasn't feeling up for beer (I was standing in the
snow) so I got warm amazake (sweet rice wine) to heat myself up. There are lots of foreigners here!

The park is well known for their snow festival with snow and ice sculptures, which I've been to a number of times when I was younger. It appears their Xmas attraction are lights! They are beautiful!

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